TR-110 Seal-Wax is a smooth multi-function, semi-firm paste release wax. Based on a balanced blend of natural (Carnauba) and petroleum-based waxes. Neutral Color (V. Slight Yellowish)
A balanced blend of waxes offers these improved benefits to the FRP molder.
- TR-110 provides smooth uniform spreading with less-tendency for hard and excessive build-up.
- Good thermal stability. No sag or drain onto vertical mold surface from flanges.
Economical general purpose release for composite molding applications. Can be polished to a high gloss or simply wiped on without polishing for non-cosmetic applications such as mold flanges or parts that are to be post finished. Available in gallons and 5gal pails.
Seal-Wax is recommended for use on fiberglass tooling edges and flanges, cultured marble hats and other rough surfaces such as wood or plaster prototype models.