1. On a new or reconditioned mold (i.e. one polished and cleaned with compounds) follow Step 4.

Proceed with four or five additional coats of TR Mold Release Paste. Wait one hour or more between coats to permit solvent evaporation and the Carnauba base to set.

Best results obtained when the wax application is allowed to stand overnight prior to gel-coat application. Use caution against any mold surface contamination or marring. Longer wax set time is required with lower temperature. This longer cure time may be reduced by heating the mold slowly to approximately (100F/38C – 125F/52C). Cool slowly and hand buff again. Apply one or two coats of TR Mold Release Paste and buff to a high gloss then proceed with initial layup.

With intricate or complex parts, a PVA parting film is insurance against hang-ups for the initial release. Be sure to avoid hot layups on the first few parts.

Note: All fiberglass molds should be adequately cured (normally two weeks at room temperature 77F/25C) or per manufacturer’s recommendations on the gel-coats and resins.

2. After initial layup, re-release with one coat of TR Mold Release Paste after each pull, for the first four or five parts. This conditioning period allows the exothermic heat to diffuse the wax compound thermally down into the gel-coat for a complete seal.